8×8 Phone Features you don’t want to miss
Change is complicated. As with any high tech change, moving to a VoIP phone system will have its complications. But in the end, you’ll have access to more new tools that you ever had in the past.Think about how an 8×8 phone can help your customers
Your business depends on customers, and to communicating with them effectively. So VoIP phone systems build in features that you may have never used before:- Auto Attendant: Your office is busy. So you might not always be able to answer all your calls by the third ring (the classic measure of telephone service). That’s when an automated attendant can help. Your new VoIP phone system will automatically answer your calls, and help your callers reach the right place. Since the auto attendant is the first contact you have with many of your prospects, it should make you sound as professional as you are. Consider a professional greeting: you’ll sound great, and they’re very affordable.
- Ring Groups: when customers call your “sales” phone number, you can specific that these calls go directly to your salespeople, instead of adding an extra (time consuming) step of going to your main operator.
- Conference Calling: now you can create your own conference calls that can include up to 15 participants. It’s a convenient way to bring everyone together for important conversations. That saves time and money.
- Voice mail: never miss another customer message again: you can’t always be available, but you can give callers a way to leave a message. And voice mail makes sure you get the exact message, not a written message that might be incomplete or not accurate.
- Music on hold: we all know that business telephone calls get put on hold. AT&T Research shows that it happens on 69% all business calls. Music on hold lets callers waiting on hold know that they haven’t been cut off, and can make boring hold time bearable. But consider giving your callers more: custom developed marketing messages can start to give your callers the information that they want, and that you want them to have. They can help your tech support department by offering callers answers to FAQ, and help your sales team start the right conversations (that lead to more and larger sales). What would you like more of your callers to know about your business? What would you like them to ask about your products or services?
8×8 Phone Systems offer lots of advanced features
Considering an 8×8 phone system? Or other VoIP Systems? Take the time to compare more than just price: consider the features that you can use. Ask questions about how to use them, and ask for suggestions about features might be most helpful in your business. Then “cut the cord” and take your phone service into the cloud.Interested in making your 8×8 phone a better marketing tool? Get your Free Report on “How to Sell More On Every Phone Call.” Click here for the free guide.