How good is your On Hold Message script? If you’re like most businesses, you’d probably say “it’s fine.” But when it comes to marketing, it’s obvious: either your marketing tools are building your business, or they’re wasting your money. When you want to offer your callers information on hold, the quality of the on hold message script is what makes the difference.
On Hold Message Script Impact
Your on hold message script reaches your best business prospects: your customers and potential customers who want your help enough to pick up the telephone to talk with you. They’re looking for answers to their needs and to know if you’re the one who can help them best. Most business calls are placed on hold, at least for a short while. A well written on hold message script can reach them, and transform hold time from a wasted opportunity to a real marketing advantage.
What does your On Hold Message Script Do?
We’ve all been there: stuck “on hold” listening to the “same old” meaningless claims. “Your call is important to us.” “Our highly trained staff…” and “Your complete satisfaction is…” This kind of message script is taken from a long list of overused, worn out clichés. So is it any wonder why they don’t actually accomplish anything?
On Hold Message Script Goals
Do you currently have messages on hold on your phones? How long have they been playing? Do you remember what your goals were when they were written? Was your on hold message script written with your goals in mind? Most aren’t. So they don’t accomplish anything.
Every interaction with customers is an opportunity. But “Opportunities Neglected Can Never Be Recovered.” (Proverb) A script that doesn’t help your callers wastes this chance. Messages on hold seize the opportunity when your script is well written. And luckily, we do the hard work for you, so you can capitalize on one of the most frequently overlooked opportunities.
For a Free Discovery Session to see what you can accomplish, call (800) 862-8896.