Mitel Music On Hold isn’t anyone’s favorite, so why are you playing it?

Mitel Music on holdMitel Music on hold isn’t going to go “Triple Platinum,” but it may be as well know as any song from The Beatles or the Rolling Stones.  It’s not playing on Top 40 Radio or Spotify, but if you’re in business you probably hear it every day of the week.  Is Mitel’s music just popular?  Not really.

Is this what you want your callers…your clients and best prospects to listen to when they call you?

Mitel Music on hold isn’t anyone’s favorite

But we all listen to it.  As the Mitel phone system becomes more and more popular the system’s “default” hold music gets played more every day.  Statistics show that 69% of business telephone calls are placed on “hold” after being answered.  And this number is actually increasing.  Your business is no different.  Your callers…your customers and your best prospects are accustomed to being forced to wait…for service, for answers, for help, and even to make a purchase.  If you’ve got a Mitel Phone System, your callers probably hear this recorded music too.

Why play Mitel Music on hold?

Your Mitel Phone system is a highly advanced communications tool.  Using it’s “Voice Over Internet Protocol.” Technology (VoIP), its light years ahead of systems from just a decade ago, and can be customized to help you achieve more than ever before.

The Default Mitel Music on hold can be changed!

Why play the default system music, when you can get rid of it?  You can replace the music with any licensed music (important to be “legal” to avoid potential fines and penalties).  But there’s a better choice

Replace Mitel Music on hold with Mitel Messages on hold

Messages on hold are the logical replacement for ‘canned’ music.  When they’re well written, marketing messages on hold are advertisements that can begin to help your caller with interesting information and answers to their frequently asked questions.  But they’re more than that: advertising on hold, when properly done, can help you accomplish more on every phone call, and actually sell more.  On hold promotions can be especially valuable, because they can give the right information to the right people at the right time:  your callers are contacting you for help.  They’re focused on your business, and your products or services.  That’s when they’ll be most receptive to your message.

If you had the opportunity, what would you like your customer (or potential customer) to know about you and your products or services?    You have a choice: hold music supplied with your system, or phone messages that give your callers information that they want, and that you want them to have.  Find out how easy it is to start using an Informer telephone message that helps you sell more on every phone call.  Call (800) 862-8896 and ask for our Mitel Specialist today.  Or email us for more information.