Brooklyn Businesses sell more with Messages on hold, every time the telephone rings.
How? It’s simple. The more phone calls you receive, the more callers get put on hold. #holdhappens. When it does, you’re losing your customer’s attention. They’re thinking about other things. And maybe Googling your competition. Informer Messages on hold help fix the situation. Here’s an example about how Brooklyn businesses use this marketing tool:
Can your business benefit by educating callers, advertising to them, and telling them more about how you can help them? Opportunities like these don’t come along every day. Let’s talk about how Informer Messages on hold can help you deliver your message to your best prospects throughout New York.
For more information about how this marketing tool can work for you, call, in New York: 212-355-6980, or Nationwide 800-862-8896.
Don’t lose another opportunity. Brooklyn businesses know that Messages on hold work.