One of the secrets to on hold messages (just like life) is KISS. Keep it simple. The most effective on hold messages use a script that’s simple: each message has one goal …one thing to accomplish. Have lots of things you’d like to accomplish? Lots of problems you can solve? Lots of products you want to promote? No problem.
Every message should have a goal
One goal to accomplish. Because no one has a long attention span any more. We think in sound bites. So before creating an on hold script…a series of short messages…think about your objective. Then you’ll be able to create a series of messages…even a lot of messages…each with just one goal. Do you have lots of goals? Great: you’ll get the most from having lots of short messages in your script. Have only one? Try creating several different messages, each trying to accomplish your objective in a different way: a different benefit, a different way to view the problem, a different way to make different types of customers understand.
Goals are like a team: they all play a part in winning the game. There’s an ancient Chinese proverb about how little goals all add up: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” (from Lao Tzu, author of The Art of War)
Thinking about all your goals may seem complicated and confusing, but they’re really all steps toward your desired destination.
Every message should have a goal
It’s worth repeating, because it’s tough to be that focused. Little goals are easier to achieve. But don’t worry:
We can help. Call today for a Free 15-minute strategy session and we’ll keep you focused and make sure that each message in your script has one distinct goal. Call today: 800-862-8896.