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Advertise your business: here are 3 secrets you need to know
- Get your audience’s attention. The most common ways to do this for big time Madison Avenue ads are with an interesting picture or headline. Madison Avenue loves to use cute animals and celebrities. Puppies (like the Heinz commercial during the Superbowl earlier this year), Horses (Budweiser), and Bears (Charmin). Popular faces like LeBron James (Nike), Brad Pitt (Chanel), and Jennifer Aniston (Emirates Air, Aveeno, Smart Water, and practically every other ad I’ve seen today) get us to look every time. They do the same thing with headlines: it’s usually something shocking, or provocative, just to catch your eye. It has nothing to do with the rest of the ad.So should you attract attention with this kind of advertising? They catch everyone’s attention. But that’s where they stop. We’re attracted for a moment, and then start reading the rest of the ad…about Managed IT, Limo Service, Building Supplies, or Homeowners Insurance…and they lose us. We drop the ad. You really can’t trick someone into being interested in what you have to say.Is there another way? Sure there is. With a headline focuses on your prospect’s wants, needs, and concerns. What are they trying to accomplish? What are their fears? These are their “hot buttons.” When your headline is relevant and focuses on hot buttons, you’ll attract the right audience and they’ll want to hear everything you have to say…and how you can help them.There’s more than one way to attract your audience’s attention. Do it the right way and you’ll attract a smaller audience…one that is genuinely interested in how you can help them, and will buy from you.
- Engage with your audience: after using “hot buttons” to get their attention, tell your prospects about how you can help them. Your best prospects want your help…so why not show them how you can give it to them? Tell them about what you do, how you do it, and how you’re different from your competition. Don’t try to sell them…people hate to be sold, but they love to buy, when they feel they’re getting something that they really want or need.
- Use every tool available to deliver your message, and reinforce it regularly. Once you’ve identified your customers’ needs and the best way you can help them, let them know in every way you can. Personal contact, online and offline advertising, social media, your website, your email blasts, and all your promotional materials. Make sure that your message is delivered in a way that reaches your target market (the people most likely to buy from you, not “everyone” in the world).
How do you advertise your business?
Are your customers businesses (B2B) or individuals (B2C)? Depending on the answer, you’ll reach them in different ways. Just make sure that you spend your advertising dollars where you know you’ll reach them.
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