How’s Business? (There’s More Riding On Your Answer Than You Suspect!)

April 23, 2010
How’s Business?
The answer is often “Lousy” or “Everybody’s cutting back,” or “I’m desperate.”

Honesty is the best policy.  But could there be something better to start off you conversation with?  No matter what the economic climate, we all have aour daily ups and downs.  They say that “misery loves company,” but focusing in on the down side is never a good way to start off a productive conversation.

Steeley Dan tells us that “They got a name for winners in the world…”  That’s because everybody loves a winner, and flocks to them.  If you want your conversations to lead in the right direction, and if you want to attract productive conversations, just look a little further for something positive.  Think about your recent conversations with your clients, and fin the most inter4esting one you’ve had in the past few days.   If you tink before responding, you’ll probably be able to find something positive…and a lot more interesting.  “I just started working with a new client they’re excited about trying…” or “One of our long time clients told us about a challenge that they’ve been facing, and haven’t been able to solve.  They asked us to take a look at it, and together we’ve come up with several new ideas.  We’re going to choose one approach…”

Focusing on the positive also gives you a way to show the creative and innovative side of what you do, no matter if you sell marketing consulting or office supplies.  Clients and potential clients want innovative companies and people that can solve problems.  That’s real value.

So the next time someone asks you “How’s Business?” what are you going to say?

Casey Hart