Why Use On Hold Messages? Simple. You’ll hold on to more of your callers, and more of your business. The research proves it. Independent research proves that more callers hold on longer when they’re listening to helpful, interesting information with messages on hold than they do in dead silence or listening to music.

Why use On Hold Messages?
Think about your own experiences. Every day, you’ll call a business, and be asked to wait on hold. Why use messages on hold? Time.com confirms it. Their research shows that you probably spent 10 to 20 minutes each week on hold last year. That adds up to 13 hours wasted each year.
Why use on hold messages at your business?
We’ve all heard it: “please hold” You get that sinking feeling. “How long will I be stuck here? Will they ever pick up again?” New Yorkers are impatient, but you wait. And get bored. And frustrated.
Now think about your business. What do your best prospects think when they call you?
Instead of annoying your callers, you can give them something interesting to listen to…
…cut through the silence
…provide helpful information
…tell callers what’s really important in your industry
…show how you’re different from your competition
…start to provide value, right up front
…educate your callers about how you can help them best
…stand out in the competitive New York City market
Providing On Hold Messages is simple, but not easy. What do callers want to hear? Simple: they want to hear if you can help them. They want answers to their questions.
They have important problems…their hot buttons…and they want them solved. And they want to know if they’ve called the right place. Are you helping them decide?
Informer Messages are the NY marketing tool that makes “hold” time less annoying, and more informative. So think about it…you can leave your callers listening to nothing…or you can sound more professional, and sell more on every call.
No one likes being ask to “hold.” But when your caller hears Informer Messages on hold, you’ll keep them engaged and focused on how your business can help them.
Now…why use on hold messages in your business? Because it’s your business on the line. Call to find out how to hold on to them. In New York call 212-355-6980 or nationwide call 800-862-8896 and ask us…Why use messages on hold?
We’ve got the answers.