What to put on a business card
Trying to start a business? Do you want to sell more? One of the first challenges in selling is “what to put on a business card”. Most business cards are pretty simple, and include the basic information. But other business cards help you accomplish your goals.
The standard business card, used by everyone from used car salesmen to rocket scientists, usually stuffs in all the same information.
– Name
– Job Title
– Alphabet soup of your degrees and certifications
– Address
– Phone Number
– Mobile Phone Number
– Fax Number
– Toll Free Number
– Email address
– Website URL
– Company slogan or marketing claim
More recent additions could be
– QR Code
– Facebook page
– Twitter address
– Photos: of you or your product
It goes without saying that when deciding what to put on a business card you have to focus on the information that’s most important.

What to put on a business card depends on what you do.
A business card is a marketing tool. Are you a salesman? Do you interact with customers or prospects? What’s your goal in your job? When and where are you asked for your card?
Think about your goals when considering what to put on a business card.
Your name and the best way to contact you (probably a phone number and email) are crucial. But after that? It all depends on your goals. Like any marketing tool “begin with the end in mind.” Think like the person who will ask for your card. What do they want? You can probably leave a lot of the “standard stuff” out. When you do, you’ll realize exactly what to put on a business card. And your card will help you every time you hand it out.