Success in business depends on so many different factors, from concept to strategy, leadership to quality. But throughout Connecticut there are businesses that succeed when the odds were against them, and the difference often comes down to paying attention to detail, like the fact that your telephone callers often have to wait on hold. So, what are Hold Messages, and how can they help you improve your customer experience? Here are a few ideas.
What are Hold Messages?
At their very simplest, on hold messages replace “music on hold” with recorded messages that your callers will hear while they’re waiting. Statistics show that most business telephone calls are asked to “please hold.” Many newer phone systems also give you the option for your calls to be answered automatically with a recorded message, and then wait to be answered (“in the queue”) by “the next available representative.” We all first heard this phrase when calling our airline or our bank, but technology has make it a part of most businesses. In either case, we know that #holdhappens. It’s what you do next that matters most.
Music on hold?
In 1966 an inventor discovered that he could play music on hold on his phones…by mistake. We’ve all been stuck listening to “Dentist Music” when waiting on hold. We know that there’s got to be a better option.
Messages on hold are the recorded audio messages that replace the Muzak© on hold. They can include company information, product details and tips, promotional offers, and, usually, background music. Their job is to make hold time less frustrating, and more interesting. They can also help you to “hold on” to your callers and fight the impulse to hang up.
Customer Experience
Everything you do to improve your customer experience counts: from the quality and service you offer, to your hours of operation, speed of delivery, personalization, and employee training. But little things like what your callers hear on hold can make a big difference. Especially if you get lots of phone calls.
Creating Messages on hold
There are a few factors to consider when creating messages on hold
- Your customers’ needs
- Your goals
- Your competition
- How needs change throughout the year
- Your brand
- Calls to action
- And more
What do your callers hear on hold?
Offering your callers in Connecticut helpful information even when they have to wait on hold can set you apart from your competition, and improve your customer experience, leading to increased profit and customer loyalty. Recognized as one of the Guerilla Marketing tools that businesses of every size can utilize cost-effectively, think about your own callers, and how a small improvement can yield big results.
Click here to learn more about how Hold Messages can help you, in a Free 15-Minute Discovery Session. Or if you’re in Connecticut, call us at (203) 655-3920. Nationwide call (800) 862-8896.