Have you ever noticed how some of the messages on hold you hear don’t interest you at all? Or tried using advertising on hold but it didn’t work (or your customers complained)? There are as many ways to create marketing messages as there are different businesses that use them…but they’re not all created equal. Lots of advertising is a waste of money. Here are On Hold Messages Script Examples that just don’t work.
On Hold Messages Script Examples that don’t work
It’s always tempting to take a “shortcut.” It’s easier. It’s faster. (And sometimes cheaper) Right?
Too often, On Hold Message scripts take so many short cuts that they cut out the effectiveness. Here are some of the typical techniques you’ve probably heard in messages on hold.
- The “Laundry List”: a long list of products or services that they’d like you to buy. There’s no explanation of why you should buy them, what the benefits are, or what makes them different from the competition. Just a long list. Maybe you should buy them all!
- Clichés’ like: “our expert staff,” “knowledgeable representatives,” “our professional team,” and “experts in the field.” They sell “the best,” and “the highest quality.”
- They’d rather make you wait than hire enough customer service representatives: “your call is very important to us,” “we’ll be right with you,” “all our representative are still busy,” “feel free to call back later,” “we appreciate your patience,” and “we’re currently experiencing higher than normal call volume.”
- More clichés: “our legendary service,” “we’re conveniently located at…” and “we’re the leader.”
- The boast: ““…with our years of experience, we’ve earned a reputation as the best in the business”
- Long Messages that go on, and on, and on…: Face it: nobody has a long attention span any more. So why write messages that are too long? Keep them under 30 seconds each. Then play some music. Give the caller a break. Give them time to think about the message they heard. Then give them another short one on a different topic. That will work better.
On Hold Messages Script Examples like these seem unavoidable, right?
What else can you really say? Don’t you want tell your caller that you’re the best, your employees are the best, and your products and services are the best? The thing is, everybody says the same thing. And saying it doesn’t make you the best. It makes you sound like everybody else.
On Hold Messages Script Examples that work
The best scripts start with the best understanding of you goals, your business, and (most importantly) your customers. What are you trying to accomplish? What do your customers need? Why are they calling you? What help do they want? Asking questions like these takes time. But it pays dividends in the end when your caller says “Oh, that sounds like it’s what I’ve been looking for.”
On Hold Messages Script Examples for your business?
Call for a free script strategy session. Call (800) 862-8896 today.