A new contact at a long time client emailed me about updating their old messages on hold script. Most messages on hold scripts just throw in the same old stuff: your company name, an apology that the caller is on hold, your location (and website location or URL), and a laundry list of products and services they want to sell. Nothing about the customer, nothing about how you help your customers, or why they would want to work with you.
Your Old Messages on hold script need some help.
My response was probably a bit more than my client was expecting: She asked if I had any ideas for her messages on hold script. My response is below:
We always start with the customer first: who are they? what do they want? what do they really need?
what are their challenges and problems? what can’t they find that you can help them with?
These are their hot buttons. They’re want your customers will be eager to respond to.
Next is you: what are your best opportunities? your best advantages? the things that set you
apart from your competition.
Finally we put them together: what does your customer need to know before they will buy?
What do you do to give your customers what they want?
What will help your prospect feel that they have the information they need to start a conversation with you.
This may be more than you were expecting me to say. That’s ok.
Give me a call and lets talk about it.
Casey Hart
212-355-6980 203-655-3920
The client is a hotel in Indianapolis. They have so much to offer including the best meeting facilities in the region, fantastic banquet facilities, and 5-star service. They put a lot into their national advertising, but probably didn’t think that we’d put this much into their messages on hold script.
Your messages on hold do more than kill time.
Your messages on hold script is the second step in your marketing process. Glossy magazine ads and fantastic television commercials are seen by millions, most of whom don’t care about your product or service. The 1/10 of 1% who do actually react to it and call you need to be taken the next step: they’re like the grain of gold in your pan: don’t overlook it because they’re the ones who are most important. That where a good messages on hold script, and professional customer service training help the prospect take the next step, and help you close the sale.
Ready to revitalize your messages?
Do you put that kind of attention into your messages on hold script? Call for a Free 15-minute messages on hold script strategy session, and you’ll see why you should and how you’ll benefit. In New York call (212) 355-6980. In Connecticut call (203) 655-3920.