Messages on hold in New Rochelle will help your business sell more

messages on hold in New RochelleMessages on hold in New Rochelle businesses play an important role in completing the marketing cycle.  Marketing is a process.  You can’t just assault your customer and expect them to plonk down their money! That’s because “Nobody likes to be sold.  But everybody likes to buy” (© Jeffrey Gitomer).  Marketing’s job is first attract your customer’s attention, and then to inform your customers about the most important factors that they should consider so that they can make the right decision: buying from you.

Messages on hold in New Rochelle help customers

Each step in the marketing process brings customers closer to making the right decision.  Attracting attention, helping your potential customer “know, like, and trust” you enough to finally result in making the sale.

Sales is a step-by-step process.  Attracting attention with traditional and newer tactics (from television and radio, print advertising, and direct mail, to email, Adwords, and social media) takes up the vast majority of your marketing budget (up to 96% of your marketing budget, according to the American Marketing Association).  But that’s only the first step of the process.  Then comes helping your prospect “know-like-and-trust” you.  When your sales conversion rate is low, this is where the problems lie. But with limited assets, how do you educate your prospect about why they should buy from you?

You’ve got tools that can make a difference.  Your website, videos, white papers, and personal selling. But what else can you do?

Well designed Hold Advertising Makes a difference

You’ve got to help your customer take the next step.
How do you help your prospective customer when they call you?  When your phone rings, and there’s a customer on the line, your customer is calling for help.  When you call a business, what usually happens?

“Please hold.”
Lots of your callers are asked to wait on hold. But waiting on hold doesn’t have to be frustrating.  It can be interesting, and it can be a marketing opportunity.  When you make the most of that opportunity, with marketing messages.

Marketing messages transform “hold” time into a chance to help your customer take the next step, by providing information that will educate your customer about what’s most important, how you can help them, and how it’s better to choose you than your competition.  All while they help you sound more professional.

What do your callers need? What are their problems, their challenges, and their goals?  Why are they calling you today?  Using Marketing Messages on hold your customers can know what they need to.  You can help them take the next step so that they can buy with confidence, and you can help them.

Using on hold marketing

How can you help your customers best?  Give your callers more of the information that they want, and that you want them to have.  Call now for a free 15-minute strategy session, and you’ll accomplish more on every call.  Click here to set up a 1:1 coaching session, or call our coaching line at (800) 862-8896, or call our local partner at (914) 761-1313.