Messages on hold for Nursing Homes in Connecticut, and across the nation, provide a new and impactful way to deliver your message to families about the attractiveness and quality you offer them and their loved ones. But the reason they work so well is clear: timing is everything.
Deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, and you get the right results. Every day, we’re bombarded by advertisements. In fact, if the marketing firm Yankelovich, Inc. is right, the average American is exposed to around 5,000 ads per day. With so many commercials fighting for our attention, we learn to ‘tune them out…” except when we’re already searching for information.
Messages on hold for Nursing Homes give callers…
…the content that they’re hungry for. When a family calls a Nursing home in Connecticut, they’re doing their research. They’re gathering facts and impressions. They’re trying to make the right decision: which is the right choice? With little or no experience making this choice, they’re open to ideas, and eager to find answers.
Are you making the most of your opportunity?
Choosing the right Nursing Home is a big decision. They consider word of mouth, professional recommendations, your website, online reviews and more. When a family member calls you for information, they’re already interested, and need that final reassurance.
When they call a busy nursing home, they’re asked to wait “on hold.” People in Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport and Hartford are “city” people, quick to become impatient. Listening to typical music on hold or in dead silence is frustrating. But listening to helpful information that reinforces your overall appeal and marketing is helpful, and welcomed.
Messages on hold improve the caller’s experience.
Research shows that your callers are often placed on hold, and many get frustrated, and might even hang up. Informer Messages on hold help fix the problem, giving callers helpful information that they’ll hold on for, and listen to. Callers ask about the information they hear, and often act on it. Hearing helpful information at this stage of information gathering starts the conversations that you want to have with them.
Effective hold messages
The most effective on hold marketing starts with getting to know you and learn about your callers. A thorough knowledge of their needs and their concerns helps us write a powerful script that gets you the results you need. Click here to find out more about the process for creating the most successful hold messaging.
Make your marketing more powerful
A top quality message on hold will reinforce all your marketing, from brochures to tours to your website. To find out more, or to get started sounding more professional, call to speak with an on hold marketing expert. Throughout Connecticut call (203) 655-3920. Outside Connecticut call toll free (800) 862-8896. Or click here to email us.