What do your callers hear when they sit on hold? And how long will they wait until they get annoyed, or just hang up? That depends on if you have messages on hold.
When current and future customers call you on the phone, they’re giving you an opportunity to help them. But AT&T research shows that up to 69% of business telephone calls are asked to wait on “hold.”
Using professional marketing messages on hold gives you back the chance to sound more professional while you promote your products and services, and tell how you’re different from your competition.
Messages on hold
Messages on hold are one of the most effective marketing opportunities your business has: they deliver the right message to the right people at just the right time.
No one likes to wait on hold.
But you can make a difference. You can replace the blank silence, the beeping, or the “elevator music” your callers how have to listen to on hold. It’s not professional. Its time to replace them with broadcast quality marketing messages on hold.
How many times have you heard…?
“Can you hold for a moment?”
“Please hold while I transfer your call”
“Let me see if I can find her for you”
“I’ll look for that information and be with you in a moment.”
No one likes to put callers on hold…but hold happens.
We put callers on hold, so our Informer Messages are important to us.
SC, District Manager, AMF Bowling
We have people asking about the thing we feature on the recording, so it’s doing great. AL, Manager, Stamford Win Air
Transform that time with professional messages on hold
Why not turn that boring, frustrating time into something informative and helpful. Give your callers information that will get them excited about the features and benefits you can offer them. Inspire them. Capture their imagination. Start the conversations you want to have with them with marketing messages on hold that engage and energize.
Informer Messages on hold work on your phone system…from traditional phone systems the most advanced new VoIP systems. Messages on hold make your system sound higher quality, help you sound more professional, and make every phone call more profitable. In fact, our clients have reported increased sales of offering featured on their hold messages of 20% to 30%.
…used you at Radisson, and experienced a 30% increase in inquiries.
MM, Corporate Training Consultant, Anthony Robbins, Inc.
“Our Informer Messages have increased inquires by 23% and sales of frames
by 17%. Thanks so much. Our stats just keep climbing!! *****5 Stars for You!”
RD, Owner, 1010 Optics
The telephone remains the key way to communicate with your best customers and most promising prospects. Customers call you for a reason: they want to know if you can help them. They’re a receptive audience that’s eager to hear if you’re the right choice. How are you going to tell them?
We do everything to create your messages on hold
Why not provide compelling messages about your most profitable services, and newest promotions? Do you think it’s too complicated?
We do everything for you: your personal marketing expert will get to know you in our exclusive “Discovery Session” which will pinpoint the information to including in your messages on hold “content” so they help you reach more of your sales and marketing goals. We’ll write and revise your script until we both feel its perfect. Our voice talents will record your messages on hold without sounding like DJ’s or hyped-up salesmen. Our engineers will mix your broadcast quality recording with licensed background music. You get a free, state-of-the-art digital playback system. We’ll coordinate loading your messages on hold on your phones for you. And then your personal Informer marketing pro will help you update your messages on a schedule that works best for you.
From the very first call, your phone system becomes your newest marketing tool.
What can your messages on hold talk about?
Your custom Informer Messages on hold are created just for your business, and your goals. You can:
– Cross sell
– Tell callers how you can help them
– Tell them how you can save them money
– Educate them about what’s really important when shopping for
the products you sell.
– And Sound more professional
Your Informer Messages on hold script will contain a series of focused messages, each with a specific job to accomplish, each with a goal. We’ll show you how the best messages on hold work, and how each message is written to promote specific results.
But we don’t stop there. To get the most value, your messages on hold must be current. Why?
Because every marketing message loses value over time…after your marketing has been seen or heard too many times, it loses its impact. It’s less current, less cutting edge. It’s also important to keep up with change: your customers’ needs change, the business climate changes, and your competition changes. Every day. So we’ll keep your messages updated for you, to keep them valuable every day. We’ll contact you on a schedule that’s just right for you with more Discovery Questions, more suggestions, and more new ideas.
Measure your results
You can easily measure your results: we’ll work with you to develop special “offer codes” used only on your Informer Messages on hold. Every time a caller asks for that code, you’ll know exactly where they heard about it.
We offer a 60-day trial that includes your custom marketing messages and free digital equipment. At the end of 60 days, if you’re not 100% happy with your Informer messages on hold, simply return everything. Guaranteed. And you’re never “locked into” a long term, unbreakable contract: you can cancel any time you’re not 100% satisfied.
Sound more professional: Your customers want to work with professionals, not amateurs. What kind of impression do you make when callers hear a scratchy radio…or shock jock…or radio commercial playing while they wait on hold? That’s not professional.
Do your customers know about all the ways you can help them? Your newest products and services? Your most profitable offerings? The value you offer them every time they work with you? Wasted “hold” time is the perfect opportunity to inform and educate them.
Your messages on hold Discovery Session
Call to schedule your free 15-minute Discovery Session today, to find out how Informer Messages on hold can improve your marketing results, too. Call (800) 862-8896.