Lost sales don’t have to happen. Here’s a tip that will help

How many lost sales happen…

…because your customer didn’t know more about what you do?
You don’t do just one thing.  But have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?  If you think about your customers, you’ll probably realize that 80% of your customers only know about 20% of your products and services.  When customers don’t know how you can help them, how can they buy?  That leads to lost sales

Minimize lost sales.  Educate them about your most profitable products and services with Informer Messages on hold.

…because your customers don’t realize you’re different from the competition?
You’re different from your competition.  You know that.  But most consumers don’t know that.

Why do lost sales happen?  Have you ever wondered why they buy from your competition?  It’s usually because shoppers think you’re exactly the same as your competitors.  Informer Messages show them what you do that’s different so they understand the value of working with you.

 …because customers didn’t think you were cheap enough?Why should consumers buy from you if you don’t have the lowest price?   I’ll bet you could tell them…if you had the time.  But you usually don’t.  So you lose another sale because somebody else has a lower price.  Somebody down the street, or on the internet.  You know they’ll get less, but they don’t.  Inform them about the value you offer them.

Lost Sales Don’t Have to Happen

The Informer will help increase sales, advertise your most profitable products and services, and show your callers how you’re different from your competition.

When your customer doesn’t know, you can lose the sale.

Don’t let it happen to you.  Call now for a free Strategy Session that will help you win the sale.  Because a sale is a terrible thing to lose. Call 800-862-8896 now.

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