HVAC Companies that use Informer Messages on hold can make their marketing more efficient and more effective. Informer Messages tell their callers about their products and services, and how they can help them keep warm in the Winter and cool in the Summer. Every sales professional knows that “the easiest sale you can make” is selling to a current, satisfied customer. HVAC Messages on hold deliver your message to them, in the time they waste on hold.
HVAC Messages on hold
HVAC Messages on hold are custom developed by The Informer to give your callers information that they want, and that you want them to have.
Your customers call you for your help. It could be summer and their air conditioning isn’t doing the job. It could be winter and the furnace isn’t turning on. Or it’s a homeowner who wants to know if you can make a house more comfortable. You’ve got the expertise to help solve the immediate problem. But you can go further. Why not educate your customer about more of the ways you can help, using the newest advances to do more for less, and save on energy costs? Even most long time home owners don’t understand much about their HVAC system.
HVAC Messages on hold can educate your customers
Great HVAC companies do everything they can to educate their customers. But when do you have time? Do you think they read the brochures and folders you leave behind? (Probably not). Do your reps have time to give them ideas? (Probably not) So what’s a better choice? Why not put wasted “hold” time to use? Instead of playing music on hold, or eerie silence on hold, give your callers something interesting…and helpful. Click here to find out how HVAC Messages on hold work. Or call 800-862-8896 for a Free Strategy Consultation.