How long should messages on hold be?  Less really can be more.

Ready to try messages on hold, and starting to write your script? Customers in Connecticut are busy, and have short attention spans.   It’s worth putting some effort into it, because you want your caller to understand and respond to your messages. That’s what makes them profitable.  So, how long should messages on hold be?  Here’s what the research says.

How long should messages on hold be?

The easy answer in Connecticut is “just long enough to deliver your message” without adding unnecessary information.  But why wouldn’t you want to add additional information to your script?  You have lots you’d like your caller to know about, right?

There are reasons:

  1. Short messages work better than long ones.  Our attention span is short, especially when just listening to information.  Give your caller a very short message and they’ll retain 100% of it.  Callers remember less of a long message…over about 50 words.  It’s tougher to write concise messages, but they pay off.
  2. We hope that your caller is only on hold for a relatively short time.  Most calls are placed on hold for 1-2 minutes.  If your script is very long…more than 10 short messages, or more than about 600 words, your caller will only hear about 10 to 15% of the content.  We usually find that some messages are more important than others.  Too many messages, or messages that are long and complicated, will actually “crowd out” longer ones.
  3. Brief messages are easy to listen to, think about, and act on.  Not every message will be of interest to every caller.  So it’s often better for a caller to hear two brief messages than one long one.  The odds are that they’ll hear something they’ll be interested in asking about.
  4. Impact: Think about a headline: Short ones have the advantage of clarity and impact.  They make us want more.  By focusing on the one most important point, or the “hot button,” you ensure that your caller get the message loud and clear.

What do you want to say?

Shorter messages are more effective for on-hold communications because the time that customers listen is brief, because short messages are easier to understand and remember, and callers are more likely to retain the information that you want them to have.

Can we help?

Are you working on your script, and need a second opinion?  Ask for you 15-minute Discovery Session by clicking here.  Or throughout Connecticut, call (203) 655-3920.  Nationwide you can reach us at (800) 862-8896.