Actually the question is why don’t your messages on hold work?
The answer is that they probably don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing. And that’s because no one ever asked you.
Advertise with Messages on hold
When you advertise, the most important idea to remember is to “start with the end in mind.” that means figuring out what you want to accomplish. Your most important goals. And that’s what makes Informer Messages on hold unique. We’re marketers, and apply the same successful Madison Avenue marketing techniques that we use (for companies like Hilton, Doubletree, Subaru, Japan Airlines and others) to your messages on hold.
If your messages on hold don’t work, it’s probably because a telephone installer or an ex-DJ supplied them. They know more about phones and “Top-40” than we do. But when it comes to helping you achieve more of your goals, we’re the industry leader.
We’re helped lots of companies with the cure for their “common messages on hold.” We can help cure your ills, too. Guaranteed.
Your Messages on hold don’t work?
Your messages don’t work? What do you really want to accomplish? We’ll show you how Informer Messages on hold work for our clients, and can help you achieve more of your goals. How? The only way that makes sense: Backwards.