ENT Marketing Must Tell Patients How You Can Help Them

Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialists in New York and Connecticut have experienced increasing competition for patients from two different directions: primary care physicians on one side, and academic practices on the other.  To be successful, Otolaryngologists must find new ENT Marketing solutions.


ENT Marketing vs. Increased Competition

Traditional sources of patients are less successful than just 5 years ago: referrals from primary care practices have declined precipitously.  These physicians increasingly offer more ENT treatment.  The Mayo Clinic even offers a one day “ENT for the Primary Care Provider” course.

Like most medical practices, you’ve paid more attention to ENT Marketing: a new website, social media, online reviews.  But the online battlefield has leveled.  Every medical practice has a great looking website, social media, and local reviews.  The “ENT Marketing Arms Race” is once again leveled.

ENT Marketing That Educates Patients

Otolaryngologists can offer distinct advantages that others cannot.  Growing your practice depends on educating your patients, and building “word of mouth” referrals.  One of the best ways to do this is with Informer Messages on hold.  Informer Marketing Messages give your current and prospective patients information about your specialized medical training and skills.  They deliver this message in the time that telephone callers have to wait on “hold.”  Busy medical practices realize that phone calls get asked to “hold on.”  Successful practices put that time to use with interesting and helpful information that makes waiting time less frustrating.

ENT Marketing Tool

Informer Messages on hold are marketing messages, custom written for your practice.  They inform callers about your practice, your physicians, and your specialties.  They focus on how you can help your patients best.

Free ENT Marketing Idea Consult

Your telephone callers have to wait on hold every day.  What do your callers hear on hold?  Why not give them information that they’ll appreciate, and that you want them to have?  ENT Marketing success depends on helping your patients make the right decision.  Call today for a free 15-minute Discover Consultation where we’ll give you three (or more) specific benefits that you can offer that will help increase consults and attract new patients.  In New York call 212-355-6980.  In Connecticut call 203-655-3920.  Or nationwide call 800-862-8896.