Content Marketing is today’s hottest marketing tactic for attracting and converting highly targeted prospects into profitable customers. But are you investing in your content, and assuming that your job is done, only to realize that it’s not building profits as quickly as you’d like? If you’re like many disappointed content marketers, you’re forgetting “the next step.”
Content Marketing and “The Next Step”
Envision your marketing as a Funnel. At the top there are lots and lots of consumers, but most of them aren’t ever going to be interested in what you have to sell. That’s okay, because you don’t need “everyone.” The funnel gets smaller and smaller as you head down to the bottom, showing that you have fewer and fewer prospects. Don’t worry…there are plenty left. Usually.
Unfortunately, many marketers’ funnels look more like a “sieve” than like a funnel…they lose more prospects than they should, because they forget to nurture their prospects as they get closer to the final goal: the sale.
Different Tools for Different Points of the Funnel: The Top
Back at the top of the funnel, where there are lots of consumers, you’re just trying to attract attention. You can do that will billboards, skywriters, blogs, social media and even traditional media. This is the part of the funnel that we all think of as marketing or advertising. It’s what most marketers consider “content.” It’s the easy part.
The Middle
Some of those consumers will notice you and forget about you. Others will want more information…more content…they’re going to start moving down to The Middle of the funnel. You already have their attention, so it’s time to give them details: blogging, email marketing, website content…it’s the time when you show your values, stress the benefits, and capture the hearts and minds of your audience
The Bottom
By this point anyone who is still interested in a “hot prospect.” They’ve learned all the can from “online” sources…they’ve researched you on your website and your reviews, and compared you to your competitors. Many will still have important questions. So they’ve pick up the phone to call you.
At this point in the funnel you’ll use different content marketing tools: email, videos, testimonials, and, when they call you, marketing messages on hold get the chance to give your prospects information that they want, when they want it.
Don’t stop marketing too soon.
Google Analytics can tell you about all those very early visitors to your website, but after that it gets tougher to track. But don’t stop marketing too soon. If you do you’ll lose more of those “golden” prospects that you worked so hard to get. Keep up the effort all the way to the sale. And beyond: retain your new clients with a “thank you” note or email, a follow-up phone call to make sure the customer is happy (think of the waitress who returns to your table to ask “Is everything okay?”), with Loyalty programs and Surveys.
Market at every part of the funnel.
You’ll see the difference.