How can you come up with content for your on hold messages? Every business has their own ideas. Many focus on the products and services that they want to sell. Some insist on apologizing for keeping telephone callers on hold. Still more tell callers that “your call is very important to us…” again, and again and again.
These days everyone is hurried. No one likes to be kept waiting. But time spent getting helpful and interesting information isn’t wasted. It’s exactly what we want!
Here are three ideas that can help you make sure you have an endless supply of great content for your messages on hold.
Content for your on hold messages should be helpful
The best content for your on hold messages isn’t a pushy sales message. Nobody likes to be “sold.” But give your current and future customers the right information and they’ll buy. So the first idea is to avoid “the sales pitch.” How can you spot it? Look for messages that start out with
- your company name
- the word “we”, or
- the name of one of your products or services
Everyone listening will quickly recognize these messages as a “pitch” or “sales message.” And when they do, they’ll tune the message out. These messages actually make “on hold” time more annoying, not more interesting.
The second idea for content for your on hold messages
The second idea is that your messages shouldn’t be pushy. Give your callers information that can help them. It may be about your products or services, or it may be about other topics. For example, a New York auto dealership’s messages mention the value of oil changes: did you know that regular oil changes can increase gasoline mileage in your car by up to 4%? The savings in fuel could add up to enough pay for your oil changes! One recent dental on hold message in Connecticut tells callers about using enough, but not too much, fluoride. How much is enough? Email me and I’ll send you a copy of his messages so you can find out, just like his patients did!
Final idea for better content for your on hold messages
We saved the best for last. Listen to your callers. That’s because every phone call is “a call for help.” Why are your customers and prospects calling you today? What’s their problem? Remember, it took effort to pick up the phone to call you, so they want or need something. Try keeping track of your callers’ needs. You’ll probably notice a pattern. These are your callers’ “hot buttons.” Hot buttons are the perfect ideas to be mentioned in your messages on hold. They get your customers attention immediately, and show that you understand their problems, and you have the perfect opportunity to show how you can solve them.
Want more ideas for better content for your on hold messages? Call for a free 15-minute content ideas session today. In New York call 212-355-6980, In Connecticut call 203-655-3920. An nationwide, call 800-860-8896. Get ideas you can use, today.