Becoming an Invisalign provider sounds like a great way to offer your patients the straight, beautiful smile that they’ve always wanted. You just sign up, attend the provider course, and start treating patients.
According to Align Technlogies, “treating just two patients per week with their product can mean over $500K in revenue per year”
Becoming an Invisalign Provider takes another step
But becoming a trained provider is only the beginning. The real challenge signing up more patients for the treatment. You’re not a salesperson, and you don’t want to be. So where will your “two patients per week” come from? Marketers know that “the easiest sale you can make is to the customer you already have.” Your existing patients know you. They like you. And the trust you. But unlike most dental treatment, this smile straightening product is an “optional” treatment. So who brings up the idea?
Becoming an Invisalign Provider takes another approach
Some of Align’s “Elite 1% Providers” have found a useful tool that patients respond to: Informer Dental Messages on hold deliver your message about how the clear aligners can change your patients’ smiles…and their lives. Informer Messages simply use the time that your telephone callers spend on hold, and use it to inform them about your newest treatment. They’ll learn about Invisalign (and your other specialties) so they’ll be more interested in “starting the conversation” during their exam. That gives you the opportunity to explain the benefits of the treatment
“We’ve found that Invisalign patients tend to stay in the practice for hygiene and
general dentistry…That’s helped us grow from within, which is what we were
looking for.”
-Dr. Efren Cortes, Stamford,CT (quoted on
If you’re interested in becoming an Invisalign provider, but don’t want to have to “sell” the treatment, Informer Messages could be the solution that you’re looking for. Interested in finding out more about how it has worked for other providers’ practices? Call for a free 15-minute consultation: In Connecticut call 203-655-3920. In New York call 212-355-6980. And nationwide, call 800-862-8896.
Invisalign® is a registered trademark of Align Technologies. The Informer is a great way to promote and grow your Invisalign® business, but is in no way affiliated with Align Technologies.