Barge In Messages can annoy your best prospects when the want to buy

Barge in messages are announcements that can be programmed on some telephone systems for your phone callers hear when they’re waiting for their call to be answered (in the queue), such as when you’re waiting for the “next available representative” at an airline, or when callers are placed on “hold”.  Barge in messages usually work with your music on hold.  The music will play, and every minute or so barge in messages interrupt the music to make an announcement.  Some barge in messages are generic: they apologize for making callers wait on hold, or claim that “your call is very important to us”. Others are designed to give marketing announcements.

Barge In messages are usually home made.

Phone System salesmen will tell you that you can do your own marketing messages.  To do them, you record your own voice into the phone handset.  Each bargein message is recorded separately.  And there you have it.

So why don’t they sound great?  From their name, you can tell that these messages often abruptly interrupt your music on hold, and so don’t always sound great.  There are a few other good reasons: no strategy, no rehearsal, you or your secretary get to record them, there’s lots of noise in the office, and the microphone in your handset cost about 12½ cents.

Barge In Messages can Sound Professional

You only get one chance to make a great first impression.  From American Express to Japan Airlines, the Informer has created Barge-In Messages that reflect your professional image and help you sound more professional.  We use the same approach for your barge-in messages that we do for Informer Messages on hold so they sound more professional and get better results.  One advantage of Barge In Messages is that they offer you lots of flexibility to change your messages right away.  One client, and New York City Tour Operator with 5 different tour brands, plans for different barge-in messages for tours that aren’t filling up, or for those that prove very popular.  We developed this strategy to fill every tour to capacity while varying price with demand, to maximize revenue.

Their on hold messages work in conjunction with your music on hold system, and play the best hold music for each of their destinations, setting the mood.  The on hold voice over, recorded with top voice talent, conveys their message in phone messages that get results.  Isn’t this better than just playing telephone hold music?

Does your phone system offer Barge In Messages?

Barge Ins are used on Cisco, Avaya, and Mitel and others to give your callers messages with this kind of system.  Why not call today for a Free 15-minute strategy session on maximizing your profits from using barge in messages.  Nationwide call (800) 862-8896, or in New York, (212) 355-6980