Auto Attendant Script Tips that help you sound more professional

Auto Attendant Script




Opportunity doesn’t knock.  Sometimes it rings your phone.  When it does, your auto attendant script is the first impression you make on a prospective customer.  Don’t blow it.  Here are a few simple ways to make sure your telephone system greeting sounds professional and doesn’t lose customers for you

Auto Attendant Script Tips

  1. Your customer is the most important part of every phone call. You know that.  So lets help them as fast as possible.
  2. Keep your auto attendant messages brief, clear, and to the point
  3. An automated attendant means you don’t a dedicated person to answer every phone call.  So you’re saving money.  But this can make it less convenient for your caller.  Do your best to fix this problem with a helpful auto attendant script.
  4. What do the majority of your callers need when they call you?  Sales?  Customer service?  Availability? Information on deliveries?  I recommend setting the order of your “options” for your callers to choose from according to what your customers need.  Lots of companies just copy what they’ve heard other companies say.  Your greeting will be custom recorded just for you, so you don’t have to
  5. Eliminate phrases that waste your callers’ time, and don’t help you.  We’ve all heard “Our options have recently changed…” and so we ignore it.  If your “options” are really changing, we’ll include it in your recording.  We’ll also include a second recording that edits this warning out, so after a month you don’t have to make your callers listen to it.  Just eliminate them from your script.
  6. Give your caller the options to “dial your party’s extension” right up front
  7. When you give “options”, do it in the right order
    1. Don’t say “Dial 2 for Sales”.  Instead say “For sales, dial 2”  It’s easier to understand.
  8. Your customer has to come first: so we recommend giving the option to “dial 0” to get to a human being.

Call for free help writing your Automated  Attendant Recording

Think about your callers, and what they need, and how you can help them.  Then lets talk for 5 minutes and we’ll send you a first draft of a script for your feedback.  Click here for help, or…In New York call 212-355-6980.  In Connecticut call 203-655-3920, or call 800-862-8896 Nationwide.