Advertising Doesn’t Work…Unless it reaches the right people.
Think about your “target” audience. Are you most likely to reach them in a national magazine? The local newspaper? The local “shock jock” morning radio program?
Or are they actually the people who call you?
Think about it, and you’ll realize the simple truth. Your callers are your best prospects. They’re the ones you want to influence most. Give them the reason to do business with you. Help them buy. They want to. That’s the place your advertising will make the most impact, and really work.
Informer Messages on hold are the advertising that will reach them. Why?
Because even AT&T surveys show that 69% of business calls are put
on “hold”. They spend 15% longer sitting on “hold” now than they
did just last year. Right now that’s a lost opportunity for advertising
to your best prospects.
Because Informer Messages are proven effective at delivering your
message. They’ve been used by Citibank, Chemical Bank, Staples,
Hilton, Holiday Inn, Doubletree, Cadillac,Toyota, Cunard Cruise
Lines, Allstate, MetLife, and others. Successful markers invest in advertising
that accomplishes their goals by reaching the right people.
Your advertising can work.
So now its up to you. Are you going to show your best prospects all the great ways you can help them? Are you going to start to give them the information they want? And to get them to ask more of the questions you want to answer? Informer Messages are proven nationwide. Because advertising doesn’t work, unless it reaches the right people: your best prospects!