VoIP Music on hold makes you sound like everybody else

VoIP Music on hold comes standard with your new phone system.  The system is cutting edge.  The music that your callers end up hearing when they’re on hold is…canned… boring…the same for everyone, from brain surgeons to used car dealers.

What kind of impression does that make?  What kind of impression are you making?  But don’t worry: there’s a better solution

VoIP Music on hold can be replaced

You don’t have to settle for mesmerizing music on hold.  Instead, why not put that “hold” time to use…give your callers information that they want, and that you want them to have.  Tell them about your newest products or services.  Give them more reasons to work with you.  Show them how you’re different from your competition.

Custom written marketing messages replace VoIP Music on hold

You’re good at what you do. But you probably rely on a specialist for your website.  And another specialist who designed your logo.  And others for printing, advertising, and other parts of your marketing program.

That’s why Informer Messages on hold has the marketing specialists who can develop and write, and then record your custom messages on hold.  You really don’t want generic messages, and you don’t want to use a “template” for your script.  Marketing messages that are custom developed with your customers, your business, and your goals in mind.

With Informer Messages, you get a powerful new marketing that will get your callers interested, and that they’ll ask about.  Guaranteed.

Ready to replace your VoIP Music on hold?

Or not ready yet?  Why not find out how Informer Messages on hold could help you and your customers on every phone call.  Find out the best reasons to get rid of annoying VoIP Music on hold, and replace it with something unique.  Call for your Free Discovery Session, today. Call (800) 862-8896.