Junction Network: Are you getting the most from this high tech phone system?

Junction NetworkJunction Network , also known as OnSIP, the new cloud phone system, is for all your business calls, on any device.  The Unified Communications system gives you the ability to make:

  • phone calls,
  • high-definition video calls,
  • messaging

And some more innovative (and high tech) features like

  • Integration with Zendesk, Highrise and Slack
  • An Enhanced Queue Dashboard that tells you when callers wait on hold for a live person
  • Instacall, a solution that lets your website visitors click-to-video-call your team right in their browser

Junction Network has the standard business telephone features like Dial by Name, Voicemail-to-email, “Find Me”, and music on hold.  But it’s that last feature that is your phones weak link.

Junction Network’s Weak Link

The Junction Network system might be one of the most advanced we’ve ever seen.  But recently we got a call from Verrazano Moving, a family owned and run Moving and Storage Company in New York City.  Their marketing consultant told them that the time that their callers spent on hold was wasted with the “default” music on hold.  They were losing an opportunity (and maybe losing callers).  And that the solution was Informer Messages on hold.

Informer Messages for your Junction Network System

Informer Messages are marketing messages that your telephone callers hear on hold.  For Verrazano Moving, we learned that 80-90% of their callers are “shopping” for a moving or storage company. We learned about the most common questions that these shoppers asked, and developed marketing messages that reinforced the best reasons to choose Verrazano.  We included specific messages that addressed their callers most common concerns (reliability, honesty) with facts and independent endorsements.  We educated their callers about “what to look for in a moving company.”

Upgrading your Junction Network System

Are you still using the “default” Junction Network music?  Then you have the same problem that Verrazano did: annoying callers and losing a great opportunity.
Who are your callers?  “Shoppers”? Good “prospects”? Customers? The Informer will design a strategy for delivering the right information to them at the right time: when they’re interested enough in your business to pick up the phone and call you.  Why don’t you do the same thing?  Pick up the phone and call us, for a Free 15-Minute Discovery Session where you’ll get a list the ideas that you should be giving your telephone callers.
Call (800) 862-8896 now.

Informer Messages on hold


Junction Network and OnSip are registered trademarks of their owners, and not associated with The Informer…but maybe they should be!