Good Suggestions Sell

Are you specific enough to get your customer interested in how you can help them?

There’s an unwritten “rule” at a professional group I belong to: “Good Suggestions Sell.”

Think about a sales opportunity…like a waitress at a New York City restaurant.  When the guests have finished their meal, which do you think will make the customer more interested, and help the restaurant sell more.  Should the waitress say:

  1. Was everything okay? Do you need anything else? or…
  2. Was everything okay? I hope you liked the Salmon.  Can I tempt you with the Chocolate Indulgence Cake?  Or if that’s more than you’d like, we have delicious Chestnut Macaroons with Pink Champagne.  They’re wonderful with a flute of our 2005 vintage Roederer Rose Champagne.  Can I bring you some?

If you’re like me, your mouth is watering already, and you can’t wait to taste this treat!

Think about the choices you offer your customers.  They call you because they want your help.  They want solutions to their problems (like a replacement for the computer problems that waste too much of their time), or someone who can give them something they’ve dreamed of (like a vacation).  Is that the time to say “Do you need anything else?”  Or is it your best opportunity to help them better?  When should you be tempting your customers with new ideas?  On the phone?  In emails?  Answering their inquiries? On your website’s order summary page?  With your marketing messages on hold?

Call me today for a free 15-minute discovery session, and let’s discover your best opportunities.  Because…good suggestions sell.