In Alabama Music on hold (MOH) has been around for about as long as everyone can remember. The first telephone systems able to play music on hold were in large reservations centers, often for airlines. Then, in the 1980’s innovative new technologies (1A2 Key switches) made music on hold possible for even small businesses. And that was when music on hold started to grow up.
Alabama Music on hold replaced
The Music on hold feature of your phone system gives you more options than the engineers who designed it imagined. As far back as 1985 small companies started playing music on hold that included messages: they were advertisements targeted at the consumers who were waiting for their call to be answered (by “the next available representative”). The new music on hold use was innovative, and praised by marketers like Jay Conrad Levinson in his marketing classic “Guerrilla Marketing.”
Alabama music on hold but only better
Fewer businesses use plain music on hold every day. For example, a Real Estate Agency in Auburn, Alabama (AL), replaced their old music on hold (they used to play the radio on hold) with marketing messages that describe their market, and how their agents offer advantages to their clients. Real Estate marketing in Alabama has become increasingly competitive in recent years, and the Realtor wanted to make the most of his opportunities to educate his potential clients. Using a custom written set of marketing messages, his callers now hear about the unique tools that his agents use to prepare, position, and list a property for sale. His Alabama music on hold with messages start the conversations about the ideas that set him apart from his competition, and “unlevel” the playing field.
Music on hold used to make hold time a little less boring (very little!). Today, in Auburn, Alabama, a real estate broker and marketer is making the most of his opportunity, and getting more clients because of it. Is your Alabama business still losing your opportunity by playing somebody else’s favorite music on hold? Call for a free 15-minute strategy session about how to fix the problem.