On hold Messaging for White Plains Businesses are marketing tool that help you put wasted telephone hold time to use, advertising your most profitable products and reinforcing how you’re your callers’ best choice, right at the moment when they focused on getting your help. What other marketing tool guarantees you can do that?
On hold messaging for White Plains Businesses
How do you deliver your marketing messaging to your best prospects? There are lots of ways that businesses in White Plains do it: blogging, websites, video and more traditional brochures. But these all have the same weakness: customers only see them if they looking for them. On hold advertising is different.
And how about targeting? You can’t control when in “the buyer’s journey” prospects see these marketing materials. Some are just starting to learn about you. Some are long time customers. Since you don’t know who’s seeing them, there’s no way to focus your message for any specific group.
Who are your callers?
You know your callers. Think about your experience: Are they first time callers? Prospects who are looking for the right company to buy from? Or are they already customers? Satisfied customers who buy the same products from you every time they call? The answer will help determine the strategy you take for your hold recordings.
What if you had a chance…
What if you had a chance to tell them exactly what they want to hear? You do, with well planned messages on hold.
Don’t fall into the trap
Most messages on hold do the same thing: they assume that you have a “captive” audience, so that callers have no choice but to listen. They tell how great your company is, how great your service is, and how great your salespeople are. They’re filled with clichés that no one believes. They push your products and services assuming that if you just keep telling customers about them, that they’ll buy them. It’s easy to write messages like these.
Don’t fall into the trap. Don’t subject your callers in White Plains to messages that annoy and frustrate them.
Instead give the something better
Instead give them information that they want and that you want them to have. Use it like the FAQ page on your website. Listen to what your callers ask about and create messages that address their needs, concerns, and desires.
Think that’s too hard? We don’t. In a free 15-minute Discovery Session we’ll show you how well designed Informer Messages on hold can be the marketing tool that missing from your tool box, and can help you achieve more of your goals. Schedule your Discovery Session today by clicking here, or by calling (212) 355-6980 in New York, or in White Plains and throughout Westchester County (800) 862-8896.